Monday, November 17, 2008

Georgia's Day - Hooray!

Even though this is a day late - I spent her day looking through pictures of her and the family, laughing and remembering, writing in my journal about her and her impact on my life, and rereading the obituary and her testimony- I want to pay tribute to her, Cami's words really touched me, thanks Cami. I am once again astounded at her writing, her presence, and her desire to always do good.
I remember her saying to me, before she went back to IU her senior year, that she was "the quiet one of the family". I just said that I wish I could be more quiet and more like her. She laughed and said something to the effect "we wouldn't want to be a boring family though". She always saw the good in others.
I loved her imitations of songs, movies, etc. (hands together in pose, singing "Doe A Deer" and of course "what you think, I'm dumb or somethin'?") and her in the middle of the bunch hugging and laughing.
I was touched by her words in her testimony that rang true to me again yesterday.

"Because Jesus Christ is with me, I forget myself because I know I am okay and I am secure on His rock, and then I can focus on others, on the gospel, on exerting myself to good, and building on Him."

Isn't that her life's theme? If we follow her example and even better teach our children that, our wills would be the Lords, just like Georgia's is.
I love Georgia. I will always be thankful for her part in my life and continue to be blessed by her presence at times.
Love - Paige

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