Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pictures of Georgia With Family

With Adam in High School

With Caroline on a visit to Washington, DC in college

Family picture in Nauvoo, IL while Georgia was serving as a performing missionary there.

Wow.  The Marriotts at bedtime.  Georgia is far right with a wild pigtail and happy smile!

Hats from a trip to Phoenix.  Georgia is third from the right.

With little brother, Trace at the cabin.

Holding (probably) brother David

On a horseback ride with brothers Adam and David at the cabin - her favorite place.

On her birthday in DC at Georgia Brown's restaurant with John, Paige, and Caroline.

With Grandma Marriott in 2002

With Wesley on a hike at the cabin - Jr. high school

Holding niece Laurel in Rochester, NY

"Floating" down the river with big sister, Paige at the cabin

Performing with brother, Cannon in high school

With David and Adam

At the cabin with Michelle Glauser and Kate at the cabin, freshman year of college.

With sister bridesmaids and niece Melaine at Kate's wedding.

Dancing with Daniel at the wedding

With Kate and Christian at the wedding

With Mom at high school graduation

With Dad and Mom 

After a performance with Dad and Mom

Olympus High School graduation

LDS Seminary Graduation (in high school)

Baptism at 8 years old with Big Daddy and Grandma

Arriving home from the hospital in Utah

Christmas morning being silly 

Acting out the nativity.  Georgia is "Mary" with no need for a baby doll, she is holding brother Trace.

Cousins Abby, Karen, and Maryann posing "with" Georgia

Christmas eve dinner with Daniel and Dad


flower diva said...

Happy Birthday Georgia Bean!!! What an amazing person she is!! She is my hero and she was the kind of person that always loved everyone and excepted her for whomever they were! She is a true Christ-like example and I am so glad that she was in my life for the time she was!! I miss her everyday, but know that someday I will see her again! With all my love to the Marriott Family, Karin Holt(Her favorite cousin)

CE said...
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I am Laura said...

You have a beautiful family and I know you miss Georgia so much. I am glad to see all these beautiful pictures of a beautiful family. I always loved going to your house when I was in elementary. I thought big families were the coolest and always thought I would have a ton of kids because of it. Well, two kids are a lot for me, but I always look at envy at big families because I think they have big love too. Georgia was a special girl, but I don't need to tell you that. I enjoyed looking at all these pictures and journal entries. Thanks. Laura Pehrson Williams

CE said...

The picture of Mom holding Georgia as a newborn really touched me. There is Mom, welcoming her into the world. She is holding Georgia's future in her arms. What a gift of life she gave! I love Mom and Dad for that faithful choice they made to bring us to this world. Especially, I'm grateful for the light of Christ so evident in Georgia that touched my life indefinitely.
As we remember Georgia, and especially her birthday, I'm grateful for the special day that Mom and Dad welcomed her into this world. We all have been ever changed by her presence.