Thursday, August 13, 2009


Hey there, friend. I spent some time in your old stomping grounds a few weeks ago. That's right, Matt and I made the drive to Nauvoo with our two tiny babies in tow. Ok, they're not tiny, but together their ages barely add up to 3..

Just thought you might like to know it's still beautiful and green and full of fireflies and music and life. The show at the visitor's center has changed, but while I watched it I could still see you in my mind's eye, dancing around and, well, let's be honest, hamming it up. (remember when you winked at me from on stage?)

Didn't make it to Sunset on the Mississippi; had to put the girls down to bed. (vacations are a little different now) But I still remember dancing the Viriginia Reel with you (was it really 9 years ago?) and getting muddy and messy and sticky from all the humidity; and laughing like crazy.

My favorite moment was a late night stroll with Matt through the silent, sleeping streets. The air was cool, but thick with the summer humidity. The stars were out in full force, and the fireflies were going crazy! Every now and then we locked gazes with those piercing green eyes, belonging to the racoons rummaging through the garbage. Did they bother you?

Nauvoo is a special place for our little family. Matt and I both have ancestors who lived in the Beautiful City when it was so new. While we were there, we could feel their love and joy. And I could just imagine how the city streets must have bustled with activity; kids going every which way, women chatting away as they shopped, men working, horses and carriages whizzing past each other. Did you look at it that way? It's special to us too because you were there. I could just imagine how you danced around those streets, singing, sharing the gospel, and brightening up the whole place with your smile.

My daughters' middle names originate from Nauvoo; my 2-yr-old has Lucinda, after a great-grandmother, and my baby has Georgia, after you.

Yes Nauvoo is certainly still beautiful, and green, and lovely, and full of the spirit of those who once walked its beautiful streets; and that includes you, my friend.