Friday, September 25, 2009

Still 21

The years have passed quickly since Georgia went back to Heavenly Father. Sally is married with 3 babies. I've lived in multiple countries and worked for large and small corporations. But Georgia stays 21, invigorated, full of bright testimony, bravely taking on the world.
I feel a little clumsy in my writing, which is why I've not posted anything before, but out of love for Georgia's family and her memory, I though it worth an attempt to write a couple thoughts.
I remember Georgia wrapping her blanket around her shoulders and feigning dismay as she chanted, "sackcloth and ashes," when faced with an exam or other nuisance.
I remember stepping outside the apartment door with a new boyfriend, hoping for a first kiss. Something in Georgia's eyes spoke mischief as I was leaving, and when I covered the peephole with my thumb, Georgia squealed from inside the door, caught in her spying.
So many memories, small and great. She left at 21, but she lives on in those of us who were permanently affected by her friendship and affection.


Sally said...

Thanks Shan

Kate said...

Shanna, your tribute was so you and so Georgia. I love your memories of her being silly. Thank you for making me feel like she is more alive than ever.
love and miss you,