Friday, July 30, 2010

A Long-Overdue Thank You

Tonight I played Dvorak's "American" String Quartet in Aspen's Harris Hall. All week as we've been rehearsing, I have been thinking back to watching Georgia, Peter Moench, and my brother Jon play it together. They loved that piece, and I love it too, all the more because I looked up to those people so much. Tonight I dedicated my performance to the memory of Georgia and Peter, and I felt close to them as we went through the joy, pathos, and humor in those movements.

I'm grateful to have known Georgia. She has always been someone I want to emulate. I was the lucky recipient of the first scholarship in her honor, and it helped me as I went away to music school, and not just financially. Georgia is often in my thoughts, as I think about the wonderful effect she has had on those around her. I grew up watching her beautiful smile and good humor, which got passed on to me even though I was the annoying little sister of one of her best friends.

As I walked on stage tonight, I went in not thinking about myself but instead about Georgia. I wanted to have the audience really feel something and make real connections with my colleagues. I feel that our performance was blessed and elevated to a higher level, and I hope that Georgia and Peter enjoyed it.

I just want to say thank you to the Marriots, and all the other wonderful people in the Utah music world that have given me ambition and shown me that you can be in this crazy business and still come out of it a good person. Georgia is a motivator, and her influence continues to be felt. Thank you, Georgia.

Megan Mason

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